Friday, September 4, 2020
Bru Tripura Vision free essay sample
As indicated by the legends one of the Tripuri ruler was ostracized by the lord, who alongside his devotees moved to the Mayani Thalang zone of Lushai slopes and established a state over yonder. He declare as lord of the state and the relative of the banished Tripuri sovereign controlled over the state for ages. At the appropriate time of time there was no beneficiary to succeed the seat, which lead to turmoil in the realm. Inferable from some inward fight and grudge four head of the sub clans, in particular Twikluha, Yongsika, Paisika, Tuibruha and their escort left their hearth and home and relocated through Chittagong to the province of Tripura hundreds of years prior. These Reang boss couldn't move up the Dombur slope top for two sequential occasions and prevailing in third occasions. Mahendra Manikya was at the seat of Tripura realm. Subsequent to coming to the capital, these boss attempted to convince the pastors and different officials to allow them to meet the lord and present their update yet was not effective in doing as such. We will compose a custom article test on Bru Tripura Vision or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page By then they have depleted whatever food and palatable they had carried with them and endured a ton. They were miserable and discouraged by this. They were resolved to send the message of their appearance to the ruler at any rate. So as to send data to the lord they broke the dam of the stream Gumti where love was going on around then. This was a genuine wrongdoing and every one of them were brought before the lord. The ruler requested them the death penalty. By one way or another this news came to Queen Gunoboti. The boss implored before the sovereign who in the wake of convincing the lord inspired to excuse these head of their wrongdoing, who letter pardoned them. From that point forward the Reangs turned out to be dutiful and faithful to the sovereign and seat of Tripura. It is said that the ueen Gunoboti took care of these boss with her bosom milk in a major container of metal, which is as yet unblemished with Ktordofa, which was skilled by the sovereign. The sovereign talented numerous other important things, which were deliberately safeguarded by Reangs till date. Authentic Population figures In 1971 the Riang were the second biggest of the booked clans in Tripura. There were 64,722 individuals included in the Riang clan in Tripura that year. In 1961 the Riang had numbered 56,597 and in 1951 they had numbered 8,471. [1] According to the 2001 registration, there were 165,103 Reang in Tripura. Meska and Molsoi gatherings The Reang families are isolated into two gatherings: 1. Meska, 2. Molsoi. The Meska Group The Meska bunch is partitioned into seven sub gatherings or dopha, these are as per the following: 1. Meska :- Meskameans the lemon tree in kau bru language. 2. Msa :- Msa implies tiger in Kau bru. It is said that the front dad of this dopha was raised by a tigress in his kid hood like the Romulus and Ramous of antiquated Rome. 3. Chorkhi :- Chorkhi implies Spinning wheel in Kau bru, it is said that one Reang boss was talking foul about his girl in-law, when his companions began turning the turning wheel to musk the indecent of the boss. So the relative are named after the chorkhi. 4. Raikchaoh :- Rai implies stick in Kaubru, kchaoh implies red in Kaubru; it is said that the front dad of this dofa used to wear stick made red shading armlet. 5. wairem :- wai implies tie, rem implies blend/cross breed in Reanglanguage. It is said that they are relative of Reang man and Kuki lady. 6. Tauma yakcho :- Tauma implies hen, yakcho implies toeless; the toes of the front dads of this dopha took after to that of hen. 7. Tuimuiyaphaoh :- Tuimayaphaoh implies tortoise in Reang tongue, the front dad of this dopha were experiencing white patches like the tortoise chest. The Molsoi Group The Molsoi bunch is sub-partitioned into six gatherings, which are as per the following: 1. Molsoi :- Molsoi is the subordinate of msoi which implies msoi in Kaubru. Their front dads originally settled in the deer ruled green valley. Since they were brought in that name. 2. Apeto :- Apeto is a kind of fish in Kaubru. The front dads midsection was huge like the stomach of Apet fish. 3. Nouhkham :- Nouh implies house, kham implies consumed in Kaubru; when the front dad of this dophas house were scorched to cinders from that point forward they were named in this name. 4. Chongpreng :- Chongpreng is a sort of instrument, it is said that the front dad of this dopha used to make due by playing this instrument as they were experiencing gungri illness. 5. Yaohstam :- Yaohstam implies ring of finger, it is said that the front dad of this dopha used to used to wear ring and used to show gladly to other people. This dopha has been in terminated at present. 6. Reang kachko :- Kachko implies boss in Kokborok, the front dad of this dopha were head of Reang. Ktor Dopha In the over thirteen dophas or sub-gatherings of the Reangs there are 26 boss or heads, who are assigned as Kotor Dopha. Kotor implies head and dopha implies faction or gathering. The boss are isolated into two classes: * Rai, and * Kaskau. Rai and his subordinates boss * Rai :- Rai implies Raja or head of the sub bunch is presented as Rai. * Chapiya Khan :- Crown Rai. * Chapiya :- Crown Chapiya Khan. * Dor kalim :- He is the minister of Rai. * Doloi :- Helper of Rai. * Bandari :- Store manager of Rai. * Kanda :- Servant and holder of umbrella of Rai. * Doya Hajari:- Drum player. * Muriya :- Trumpet player. * Dugria :- Helper in of cleric. * Dauwa :- Arranger of puja, or venerating. Siakrak :- merchant of prasad, that is the conciliatory creature meat. Kaskau and his sub ordinate boss * Kaskau :- The central priest of the sub-bunch is gave as Kaskau. * Yaksung :- He is the right hand of boss priest. * Hajra :- Servant of Kaskau. * Kangreng :- Umbrella holder of Kaskau. * Kormo : Servant of Yaksung. * Khan Galim: Umbrella holder of Yaksung. * Khandol :- The authority of food and other required articles. Individuals of Kotor Dopha are absolved from paying duties to the ruler. Occupation, culture and custom The Reangs are essentially an agriculturist clan. In the past they for the most part used to rehearse the Huk or Jhum development, as most other Tripuri clans. Be that as it may, presently moved to current horticultural practice. A large portion of the informed are utilized in government work and many are possessing high post in organization. Some have additionally begun working together moreover. Marriage framework The Reang is an endogamous clan and had next to no contact with the Bengali or other sub-clan of Tripuri. In any case, since the start of nineteen century there has been some bury clan relationships and between position wedding among them. The marriage framework is like other Tripuri clan of Tripura. There is no endowment framework however the groom needs to spend to father-parents in law house for a long time before marriage is performed. There are two sorts of marriages;but these days the framework to spend to father-parents in law house is no obligatory. Haloksai, and Haloksam. Equal cousin marriage is common however declining. Cross cousin marriage among the Reang is unintentional. Kid marriage isn't permitted, widow marriage is allowed. Widows are precluded to wear decorations before one year is passed after the demise of spouses. Widow and single man are illegal to take part any engaging and getting a charge out of program or action or going to such movement inside one year of death of their life partners. Remarriage of widow and single man are permitted following one year of death of the companion. Monogamy is the current day practice of the general public. Marriage is masterminded through the intermediary Andra, who goes to the imminent ladies parent for exchange. At that point the ladies party is welcome to settle the marriage in Kokswmgma, while pork, fowl, rice, rice brew are served. Marriage is settled as per the general inclination of both the gathering. The Okchai plays out the wedding service on the matrimonial day fixed. The Reang single man isn't allowed to get wed to an unmarried virgin young lady. The Reang marriage bond is extremely solid and Reang men can't separate without the assent of spouse. On the off chance that any Reang is claimed for extramarital relationship and saw as obvious then they are managed exacting discipline and substantial punishment is forced upon. Dress and decorations The conventional dress of the Reang is basic and plain like other Tripuri individuals. Customarily the men wear a hand woven undergarment and a bit of material as a covering for upper part. The ladies wear a long fabric called Rnai, a wraparound; from the midsection to down to the knees. A Rsa, covering the chest, and Rikatouh for covering the entire upper portion of the body, wears the upper piece of the body. These are woven by the Reang ladies, which are brilliant and very magnificence full. Be that as it may, these days the informed mass are wearing all the cutting edge dresses like some other piece of the world. The Reang ladies are exceptionally enamored with individual enrichment and take a lot of care for the cosmetics and hair-do. They love like other Tripuri individuals, trimmings, blossoms, and beautifying agents. Silver trimmings particularly the neckband of silver coins, the Rangbauk have a pride of spot and status. Move and music It is a lot of vital piece of the Reangs every day life. No other Tripuri individuals are so partial to move like them. Therefore the Hojagiri people move of Riang sub clan had accomplished approval everywhere throughout the world. Hozagiri Dance is the most well known move of the reang network. While the subject of the move remains nearly to be equivalent to of different clans, the move type of the Reang people group is very not quite the same as others. The development of hands or even the upper piece of the body is to some degree confined, while the development starting from their abdomen down to their feet makes a brilliant wave. Remaining on an earthen pitcher with a container on the head and a lit light on it, when the Reang beauty move bending musically the lower some portion of the body, the move dumbfounds the spectators. The Reangs additionally utilize the Instruments like Khamb, Flute made of b
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Micronucleus Assay Procedure | Literature Review
Micronucleus Assay Procedure | Literature Review Micronucleus (ââ¬Å"MN) is characterized as infinitesimally obvious, round or oval cytoplasmic chromatin mass close to the core. Micronuclei (ââ¬Å"MNiâ⬠) begin from abnormal mitoses and comprise of erratic chromosomes, chromatid sections or entire chromosomes that have neglected to be consolidated into the girl cores during mitosis. The MN test has been generally acknowledged as an in vitro genotoxicity test and a biomarker test for genotoxic introduction and impact in people. In the prior occasions, the MN measure used to be completed on lymphocytes, since 1990s this procedure has developed grandly to be done on buccal cells. As assortment of buccal cells require a straightforward non-obtrusive cytological smear, MN test has assumed an essential job in restoring the utilization of cytology in the field of diagnostics and research. An endeavor has been made to survey all the examinations conveyed till date, using micronucleus measure of buccal cells as a novel marker of genot oxicity in head and neck district. The exacting importance of the word Micronucleus (MN) depicts it as a little core in a huge cell, or the littler cores in cells that have at least two such structures. Schmid (1975) characterized MN as a minutely noticeable, round or oval cytoplasmic chromatin mass close to the core (Fig. 1). MN is the name given to the little extra-core that structures at whatever point a chromosome or a section of a chromosome isn't consolidated into one of the girl cores during cell division.1 4 The two essential marvels liable for the development of MNi in mitotic cells are brokenness of the mitotic mechanical assembly and chromosome breakage (Fig. 2). Micronuclei (MNi) are shaped from the entire chromosomes or chromatid pieces that fall behind in anaphase and are isolated out from the little girl cores in telophase. Also, some MNi gets began from parts got from broken anaphase spans shaped because of chromosome modifications, for example, dicentric chromatids, intermixed ring chromosomes or association of sister chromatids.5 â⬠9 over the span of telophase these chromosomal areas are remembered for the girl cells where they can intertwine with the principle core or can frame at least one littler optional nuclei.8 This littler auxiliary core is known as MN and its number can change from one to many. Presently the MN framed can either go with the little girl core they get from or the other girl core. In the previous situation, neither of the girl cells is aneuploid, and i n the last case the micronucleated cell has increased a chromosome, while its little girl cell has lost it.5 Micronucleus Assay The Micronucleus measure is characterized as an insightful strategy completed to dissect micronuclei quantitatively. It is one of the standard cytogenetic devices actualized to survey micronuclei arrangement (implying chromosomal harm) ensuing to introduction to genotoxic/cytotoxic agents.11 In people, MN test can be handily utilized in lymphocytes, erythrocytes, and peeled epithelial cells (for example oral, urothelial, nasal) to acquire a proportion of genome harm incited in vivo.12 In the prior occasions, once-partitioned refined cells (generally fringe lymphocytes) were viewed as perfect for communicating MNi and the system utilized was known as cytokinesis-square micronucleus (CBMN) examine. In the CBMN examine, once-partitioned cells are recognized by their BN appearance subsequent to blocking cytokinesis with cytochalasin-B (Cyt-B).13 Over the most recent three decades, since the time the coming of MN measure on shed cells, the buccal cells have totally traded the utilization of lymphocytes for the conspicuous explanation of non-intrusive assortment of cells and more straightforward technique for breaking down the MNi. The general genotoxicity results by both the strategies for MN investigation are comparable.12 The basal cells in the oral epithelium are the cells which have the capacity of mitosis, the new cells shaped gets separated and develop as they relocate to the surface at last supplanting the cells which are shed. In this way any hereditary harm (communicated as MNi development) impelled in these basal cells is reflected in the peeled cells; consequently investigation of MNi in these cells can be connected with the measure of hereditary harm. As the oral epithelium goes about as the main hindrance for the inward breath or ingestion course and around 90% of malignant growths begin from epithelial cells, hence, these phones speak to a supported objective site for early genotoxic occasions actuated via cancer-causing specialists entering the body by means of inward breath and ingestion.12 The strategy for MN test has been summed up in Table 1-3. Through this survey, we mean to feature the use of MN measure on buccal cells by looking into huge investigations from the English writing. We additionally intend to accentuate the traps related and the measures to conquer the equivalent. Audit of Literature In the early examinations from the 1980s, peeled buccal mucosa cells were utilized to assess the genotoxic impacts of betel nuts and quids and of biting tobacco. Most examinations demonstrated higher MN frequencies at the site inside the oral hole where the quid or tobacco blend was kept contrasted with the inverse, control site. The MN examine in buccal cells was additionally used to consider harmful and precancerous sores and to screen the impacts of various chemopreventive operators. It is prominent that the primary investigations of Stich and Rosin directed somewhere in the range of 1983 and 1984 had higher standard MN frequencies than resulting contemplates. This may have been because of an absence of characterized scoring models and a moderately modest number of scored cells (at times under 500). From that point forward, distributed biomonitoring contemplates utilizing the MN measure in buccal mucosa cells have researched the impacts of different elements including natural and word related exposures, radiotherapy, chemoprevention, nutrient supplementation preliminaries, way of life propensities, malignancy, and other diseases.12 Micronuclei as a novel biomarker Word related and natural exposures In the last 15ââ¬20 years the MN measure has been applied to assess chromosomal harm for natural checking of human populaces presented to an assortment of mutagenic and cancer-causing concoction or physical operators. Fundamentally higher frequencies of MN have additionally been seen in shed buccal cells from individuals presented to natural solvents, antineoplastic specialists, diesel subsidiaries, polycyclic fragrant hydrocarbons, lead-containing paints and solvents, and drinking water debased with arsenic.12, 18-20 MN and radiation Ionizing radiation assumes a significant job in the treatment of numerous neoplasias, however it additionally creates hereditary harm. As an outcome, optional tumors may create a long time after the essential tumor treatment. A few examinations assessed MNi in buccal cells of patients experiencing radiotherapy in the head and neck area. The most striking increment in cytogenetic harm (150â⬠300 MN/1000 cells) was seen in an early investigation of three patients presented to an aggregate portion of 3400ââ¬4000 cGy.12 MN frequencies in buccal cells of patients with some particular illnesses A site-explicitness was watched for Xeroderma pigmentosum patients, with a higher MN recurrence in cells from the dorsal tip of tongue, potentially because of more prominent light introduction. Down condition was related with a 733% expansion in MNi in contrast with more youthful sound controls, and the MN recurrence was 78.5% higher than in more established controls. An expansion in MN recurrence in buccal cells was accounted for Diabetes mellitus with the patients having twofold the degree of hereditary harm in contrast with coordinated controls and for rewarded pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis in examination with controls or kids with Crohnââ¬â¢s disease.12 Findings of the investigation completed at Genetics Research Unit, National Council Research Institute of Clinical Physiology, Italy upheld the speculation that CBMN measure may give a helpful device to screening of the corpulence and metabolic disorder and its movement to diabetes and cardiovascular malady in grow n-ups also in children.21 Results of the examination did in Mexico showed a solid relationship between HPV type contamination and MN frequency.22 Way of life and Host Factors Way of life factors that are related with hereditary harm incorporate smoking, liquor utilization, and diet, particularly nutrient inadequacies and supplementation. Most of the investigations revealing a critical increment in MN in buccal mucosa cells identified with a danger of oral malignant growth were acted in subgroups of subjects with explicit way of life propensities, for example chewers of betel quids (areca nut, betel leaves, slaked lime and tobacco) from India, Taiwan and Philippines; invert smokers (who hold the lit finish of the cigarette inside their mouths) from India and Philippines; snuff scoops from Canada; clients of Khaini (tobacco blended in with slaked lime) from India, and other comparable practices.12 The HUMN venture is a compelling vehicle for the turn of events and execution of a universal communitarian approval exertion to unite the different buccal MN databases, and to recognize and evaluate the key factors influencing this biomarker.12 EXFOLIATIVE CYTOLOGY AND MICRONUCLEI RELATED STUDIES Studies corresponding to Oral Cancer Potentially Malignant Lesions: Biomonitoring of the adjustments in patients with analyzed ailments or obsessive changes that may prompt the improvement of malignant growth and different diseases is getting progressively mainstream, and might be the most quickly developing region of use of the MN test to epithelial cells.12 An investigation did in France, in the year 1987, discovered a pattern of 1.30 Micronucleated cells/1000 Cells in patients with carcinoma of upper stomach related tract, utilizing Feulgen Stain.12 A changed convention for the peeled cell micronucleus measure was field-tried in a populace presented to a genotoxic specialist, snuff, at levels related with a
Friday, August 21, 2020
The role of advertising and branding within the laptop industry and Dissertation
The job of promoting and marking inside the PC business and its impacts on shopper buy choice in Leeds(united ki - Dissertation Example Along these lines, the joined job of publicizing and marking gives off an impression of being progressively noticeable if there should be an occurrence of the majority of the items. Liu (2007) has discovered a positive connection among marking and customer buying choices for PCs. Critical degree of brand mindfulness for a particular brand will improve the buying conduct for that PC brand since it impacts the shopper dynamic procedure particularly on the data search phase of client (Liu, 2007). The adequacy of marking in PC industry is obvious from the main deals of marked PCs. Improvement of Dell in Malaysia had positive impact of brand picture of Dell in Malaysia as its upgraded image acknowledgment along these lines; organizations like Acer and HP likewise get an opportunity to contend with Dell by expanding their image acknowledgment (Ghajarzadeh, 2010). PC makers as a rule utilize useful publicizing to make the shopper mindful of the item particulars accordingly, impacting the bu ying choice of buyers. PC organizations embrace publicizing media to impact high-pay family units and top organizations are engaged with higher than normal promoting and create higher than normal incomes (Goeree, 2004).
Vampire Academy. Book 1. Hunters and victims Review Essay Example
Vampire Academy. Book 1. Trackers and casualties Review Paper Paper on Vampire Academy. Book 1. Trackers and casualties Neodnaznachnym is my judgment, and it will be very emotional. In the first place, promptly dove into despair plenitude of Russian names. My creative mind doesn't comprehend what a vampire Vasya, well, or Vasilisa. Beforehand new characters Moroi, Strigoi Im used to them over the span of the account. The initial 100 pages I read two or three weeks, constraining herself like eating porridge and my 5 years of age. Razmusolivanie each second, hyper fondness courageous women, some worried about the plots, the primary base and subtext sex. All things considered, this is enveloped with the companionship, selling out, bizarreness. While Rose acknowledged what was going on, somebody kissed obscurity there, and that made Vladimir perusers it was clear nearly from the right. As the drama, everybody realizes who executed Juan, however the 150 arrangement, we will perceive how Pedro contemplated it. We will compose a custom paper test on Vampire Academy. Book 1. Trackers and casualties Review explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Vampire Academy. Book 1. Trackers and casualties Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Vampire Academy. Book 1. Trackers and casualties Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer There are pluses Eschen in the last, the last page, I read for the night, and even was included. It appears the thought for the item is, the feeble, neprarobotannaya, however there is. It could transform into a bit of treats, however an interpreter no, the interpreter couldn't extend inextensible all alone, at that point you have a creator. I know the book from her ocean, and it would seem that it used to be written, presently faces a decision to make a super book of masses of thoughts to transform the story into an interesting experience or the possibility of ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹the book. The creator brings in cash. Sooner rather than later I won't read the continuation, perhaps at that point. Presently, quickly about the plot. The fundamental character and her companion models holy people their vampire-dampirskogo network connected mentally in light of the fact that Lissa has the endowment of recuperating, and, when she kicked the bucket, her family and the Rose, she spared the young lady, coming back to the life in the mishap. The book starts for you with the way that these women on the run, yet they were promptly taken care of back to the institute. You don't promptly understand that their spodviglo escape and for the most part portrayed very kutso Academy, in any case, he took a gander at me I fell in detail. When all is said in done, you will be engaged with adolescence Roses more than in perepitii among Strigoi and Moroi. Coincidentally, the thought isn't so new, acceptable malevolence vampires have not once called). What's more, gold blood, and vampantsy and now become Strigoi. In this way, at that point discreetly let you know whats what, yet all the scalawags are straightforward and unsurprising. . So the individuals who read enough to see at the same time or twice The aftereffect of this you can peruse what number of individuals such a significant number of assessments. In any case, my solitary C grade this item .
Saturday, July 11, 2020
California Bar Juries June Essay Topics
California Bar Juries June Essay TopicsWhen attending California Bar Juries in July, you need to get on the ball and submit essay topics quickly. As in all skill areas in law, your topic should start out simple and then start advancing through a number of topics that are more difficult. As you gain confidence in the more difficult topics, your level of difficulty will increase, up to a point. At this point, you can be assured that you will pass the exam for most of the things you need to do with law school, because you know you can handle the tougher topics.So what do you need to know about the California Bar Juries June Exam? First, make sure that you have some familiarity with the subjects you are writing on. Second, you need to be able to recognize if the topics are tough or not, and where you stand on the exam.You need to consider the material that you are going to cover in California Bar Juries June Essay Topics. You will want to find a topic that has some element of emotional c ontent, and that involves the concept of doubt. When writing an essay about questions and doubt, you will need to be able to show your ability to engage in critical thinking, and to use your logic and reasoning skills to find answers to problems.If you know your bar review courses well, you can find lots of resources on the Internet about California Bar Juries June Essay Topics. For example, you can use a variety of online resources to help you craft your topic, or you can use online tools that will help you generate a topic list based on the topics of law reviewed by the California Bar Examiners.A lot of people believe that they have to write hundreds of essays during the California Bar Juries June Essay Topics. If you don't have the time to do this, don't worry - you won't need to.During California Bar Juries June Essay Topics, you will need to choose a topic that can be related to your case, and that is reflective of the case you are addressing. You will also need to pick a topic that can be reworked over time, as your body of work in the profession advances.Most of the topics for California Bar Juries June Essay Topics will be similar to the topics of the California Bar Exam. However, some topics will be even more difficult.The final thing you will need to think about before you sit down to write your California Bar Juries June Essay Topics is the amount of time that you have. If you know that you have just a few weeks to write, you might want to choose a less time-consuming topic, but if you have a little bit of time, you will want to consider the topics that will have the most effect on your career.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Advice for the AACOMAS Application Secondary Essays
Looking for the best osteopathic med school admissions advice out there? Ace those AACOMAS apps by reading our osteopathic application tips series ââ¬â each post, another set of 5 expert tips that will help you get accepted. Once you file the AACOMAS application and choose your schools, the process is not yet over. You will start to receive secondary essays in the mail for each school. While some may be similar (e.g. biggest challenge, significant volunteer experience), others will ask you to explain why you would like to attend their school. Below are a few tips to help you through the process. 1. Plan. One of the hardest parts of this process is allotting enough time to get the secondary applications done in a timely manner. So, plan ahead. Donââ¬â¢t leave them all for the last minute. The turn-around time can be as tight as two weeks, so start early and leave time to revise. 2. Emphasize fit. Secondary essays are all about assessing whether you are a right fit for the school. So, research the schools and emphasize the qualities that are important for each school. 3. Dedicate the time. Often, applicants run out of steam when they reach the secondaries. But, you should make sure that you put as much time into these essays as you did the AACOMAS application. This is a way to show schools that you are serious about the process and their time. 4. Research the schools. Applicants sometimes apply to schools without looking into their missions or specific programs. But, schools want applicants that want to go to attend their institutions. So, the time you spend researching and asking questions is well worth it. 5. Donââ¬â¢t repeat. Make sure that the anecdotes and information in the secondary applications donââ¬â¢t repeat stories in the personal statement. You want to present new materials to the school. The AACOMAS secondary essays are incredibly important for schools and are an opportunity for you show that you are a good fit. Make sure that you spend the time and effort to make the final push for acceptance. You need to work hard if you want to submit a winning AACOMAS (or AMCAS or AADSAS) application and we can help! Check out Accepteds Primary Application Package to receive complete application guidance from conceptualization to final review. Your experienced consultant will guide you through the entire primary application, ensuring that you make the best use of your time to create a compelling portrait of yourself as a future leader in the medical field. hbspt.cta.load(58291, '41d15270-c778-463b-bafa-53e7f714848e'); Jessica Pishko graduated with a J.D. from Harvard Law School and received an M.F.A. from Columbia University. She spent two years guiding students through the medical school application process at Columbiaââ¬â¢s Postbac Program and is a former Accepted admissions consultant. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: â⬠¢ 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Med School Application Essays, a free guide â⬠¢ Do You Measure Up to the DO Applicants Who Got Accepted Last Year? â⬠¢ How to Create Sizzling Secondary Applications
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Controversy Over Psychic Staring Essay - 1403 Words
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The Controversy over Psychic Staring Very little is known about the nature of the human mind. The mental and social life of humans is based on the mind, yet not much is known about it and the extent to which it can go. In all cultures there is a belief about the mind, the heart, and the soul, with a variety of notions about these parts of the human being. Psyche in its ancient sense is extended to limits that go beyond the human body in many of the existing cultures. Surveys that have been done in most countries of the West, Britain, and the U.S have consistently shown that a significant portion of the populations in these regions believe in the occurrence of psychic phenomenon and more than fifty percent believe that they have at one point or another personally experienced it (Sheldrake 102). Considering these beliefs and experiences, it is senseless to claim that the mind is only restricted to the brain. This makes the advocates of mechanistic orthodoxy make an assertion that since paranormal phenomena lacks a scientific explanation, it is non-existent. According to scientific education, this is regarded as superstition but there still calls for need of more study and research into this widespread phenomenon. Psychic staring is considered a paranormal behavior. This phenomenon is studied alongside with its findings to confirm if it is real. Ideally a human being has five senses whereby that of sensing if someone is staring at you is notShow MoreRelatedSadie Hawkins Day and Valentine Grams18321 Words à |à 74 PagesIn previous years, we did a lot of backstage work like making the sets and decorations,â⬠explains Ms. Casiano. After Piedmontââ¬â¢s performance, the other students from schools in the district performed their own dances and displayed their skills. With over 500 people, the L-Building was too small for the show. All the seats were filled and many spectators had to stand on the side. ââ¬Å"The L-Building was too small. The room was packed. Maybe next year we can have two talent shows or maybe choose a biggerRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words à |à 1617 Pagesable to identify a fixed, stable, permanent point that provides us with perspective. In our cu rrent ââ¬Å"white waterâ⬠environment, the skills discussed in this book serve as fixed points. They have changed very little in their effectiveness and relevance over several thousand years. And their relationship to effective human and organizational performance has been well-documented. Later in this Introduction we share some of the scientific research that confirms the power of these management skills in accounting
Monday, May 18, 2020
Administrative Service Manager An Individual Who Is...
Administrative Service Manager Introduction An organization administrative service manager is an individual who is responsible for a private or government organization. Their job criteria consist of planning, directing, telecommunicating, and coordinating supportive services to maintain functional operations. Their duties varies from supervising, recordkeeping, and the organization of the office. Interests/Skills Used While being responsible for the function of a particular organization, it is highly important that an individual have a few particular skills and interest that will help them be efficient in this role. Skills 1. Time Management is essential because one must manage their time and employees time while meeting deadlines. 2. Management of Personnel is crucial to work environment because one must possess the power to motivate, develop, and direct others as they work. Also, retain the ability to identify the best individual for the job. 3. Judgement and Decision Making is the ability to access the situation and evaluate possible outcomes, and make an appropriate choice. 4. Active Listening is important in order to maintain order in the organization. 5. Writing is an important daily operation that help maintain daily function. Based upon onet online, the 5 skills above are from a list of administrative service manager must acquire besides being enterprising and conventional. People who pursue a career in this field, are enterprising individuals who are self-startersShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Public Financial Management System Essay1461 Words à |à 6 PagesMODE OF ENTRY: Visiting LEVEL: 4.1 LECTURER: Ms Nyamwanza ASSIGNMENT ââ¬Å"The civil service and government subscribe to a different code of ethics than the rest of usâ⬠Critically discuss this statement with reference to the Zimbabwean public financial management system. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children And Children
Abstract My field study took place at shelter for Abused women, a safe house for battered woman, the house accommodate their client for 30days while they find other resources to help them move on with their life. Domestic abused affect women and children. Lots of women are more at risk in their own home. Spouse abuses happen when one person in the marriage chooses to control the other party by using fair intimidation physical, emotional abuse. Domestic violence displaced many families because they are trying to get away from their abuser. Abuse can range from physical, mentally, emotional or psychological. One of every 5 woman are said to have experience an abuse from their partner. The effect of Domestic violence is not just on the mother it affect the children too. Shelter is the safe haven for just a little period for the victim to stay. Most of the abuse woman still ends up going back to their abuser. Domestic violence aggressive behavior in home, involving abuse of a spouse The effect of Domestic violence is not just on the mother also on the children, so many children has been exposed to the violence. Domestic violence is more common than people actually know; itââ¬â¢s been a long standing problem in the world. Domestic violence can happen with heterosexual couples or partner of the same sex, even within young ones that are still dating. It happen within poor, rich white, Black, immigrant and more .We have seen it among ourShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Domestic Violence on Children1529 Words à |à 7 PagesProject: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Trudy Root Kaplan University CM107-11 Children are negatively impacted by the surrounding of domestic violence in multiple ways, in which need to be identified. The audience that needs to be aware of domestic abuseââ¬â¢s effects on children is adults that care for children; such as pediatricians, teachers, counselors, and parents. The issue that needs to be addressed is the negative effects on children involved in a domestic violence situationRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children1387 Words à |à 6 Pages Literature Review: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children By Taralyn Dean SW 8570 March 11, 2015 Introduction Today this paper will be exploring the affects of intimate partner domestic violence and how this impacts the children. The children of theses situations are the bystanders of these physical and emotional events. This paper will review in depth what other professionals are saying about the children of the domestic violence relationships and also the findings andRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children Essay1383 Words à |à 6 PagesIn a similar study by Ybarra, Wilkens, Lieberman (2007) the goal was to determine if domestic violence leads to functioning shortfalls, and what its effects it has on a childââ¬â¢s behavioral and cognitive functioning. In homes where domestic violence happens, young children are more likely to witness violence than older children. It was hypothesized that children who witnessed violence at home had lower verbal capabilities, and would display greater internalizing and externalizing behaviors. ParticipantsRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Children1445 Words à |à 6 PagesWhat is domestic Violence? Domestic Violence is described as violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Many children end up being the victims to seeing domestic violence in the home which is very unhealthy to their development. Some children may development resentment toward both parents- one for not leaving and the other for causing the abuse. Depression, aggressive behavior, emotional distress and suicide depending on the severityRead MoreEffect of Domestic Violence on Children692 Words à |à 3 PagesASSIGNMENT 1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ID: S99003183; URIAM ROBATI ABSTRACT Domestic Violence has a great effect on children. Domestic violence also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse or child abuse is recognized as a pattern of abusive behavior by one or both partners especially those in marriage. This coercive behavior is used against another person to obtain power and control over the other party in a relationship. Domestic violence takes many forms such as physical violence which includesRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children908 Words à |à 4 PagesEffects of Domestic Violence on Children by Mary Pelham English 1010-19 5 October 2011 Pelham i Outline I. Effects on younger children A. Feelings of deprivation Read MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children1456 Words à |à 6 PagesDomestic violence has a very devastating on the children raised in such partnerships. During their formative years, children internalize what goes on in their environments, including both positive and negative things; and that is how they form their social interactions in life. The parents exact the most influence on their children among everybody in the social cadar that they have to deal with growing up. Children always perpetuate the pathology of their family line, and that is because of the influenceRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Children1694 Words à |à 7 PagesDomestic violence involves and affects all the family women in general including pregnant women, men, children, including children with special needs, adolescents, teenagers, and even the animals are abused by humans. There is no way to stop or control domestic violence. It involves physical abuse by both men and women, hitting with objects and even when you push someone is an act of violence or abuse, when you hit your child is an act of abuse. The most affected in the family are the children becauseRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children1444 Words à |à 6 PagesWhen it comes to domestic abuse there are signs to watch for and if caught early enough one can stop it before it begins. In violent relationships the ultimate goal of the abuser is to have complete control over the abused. According to Shattered Lives magazine, ââ¬Å"One out of every four households experience a form of domestic violenceâ⬠(1). When one feels they have nowhere to go they become more attached and often have children with their perpetrator. The children also play a part in the family membersRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children1124 Words à |à 5 PagesThe biggest victims of domestic violence are the littlest. The home is a suppose to be a safe and secure environmen t for children with loving parents and free from violence. Children need a secure environment where they can come home to when the outside world is unsafe. However, every year there are millions of children whoââ¬â¢s homes are not a safe haven. Millions of children are exposed to a parent being violently assaulted. Domestic violence is a prevalent social issue in America today. First, who
Reason for the Success of iPhone in America
Questions: 1. Main reason for the success of iPhone in America.2. Success of iPhone in Europe as compared to success in America from the existing competitors like Nokia, HTC and BlackBerry.3. Formulating strategy for Apple and a marketing plan in Europe.4. Focusing on Apples pricing policy to analyze whether it helps in achieving significant market share or not, Analyzing whether dropping the price was a good strategy or not. Answers: 1. Main reason for the success of iPhone in America It can be stated that the main reason behind the success of Apple is innovation. This giant organization was the first to develop the finger print lock in their iPhone 5s. Apart from that, it can be stated that Apple has always shed focus on simplicity and they are the only brand that never compromise with their quality. Most importantly, it can be stated that all the products of Apple are easy to use and they offer great customer service as well as in-store experiences to their valuable customers. From the products details, it can be seen that Apple stays at least two years in advance of its contestants and this is one of their unique natures that grab attention of the customers worldwide (Brown, 2012). In this regards, a general question arise that why do the Americans overwhelmingly prefer iPhone when the rest of the globe has overwhelmingly embraced android? If focus is shed on the statistics, it can be seen that worldwide, android has 75% market share and on the other hand, Appl e has only 15%. CIRP reports have stated that as predictable whole of 94 million iPhones were in use in the United States at the last part of April, taking into account 38 million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s units. However, this 38 million is made up of 25 million iPhone 6 units and 13 million iPhone 6s models as per the estimate of the organization (Capatina Draghescu, 2015). For particularly the US market, Apple had entered into the two year agreement with ATT and the iPhones could only be used with the ATT network system. In this case, it can be seen that before launching this product into the US market, Jobs announced some beneficial service plans for the customers. This was one of the unique marketing strategies of Apple and this helped the company to have huge number of customers in the US market. Apart from that, it can be stated that the unparallel launch of this new product was another reason of huge acceptance among the consumers. The buzz that surrounded the launch of the iPhone was referred to as Jesus Phone by the bloggers, was extremely extraordinary as far as the electronic products were apprehensive. Therefore, it is highly appreciated the way the marketing team of the company had created the buzz regarding the product with the help of its low key but highly effective marketing effort (Chaffey et al., 2012). At the time of launching the new product in the existing market, the company at the American market had adopted product differentiation through product advantage. Apart from that, it is highly necessary to mention that the marketing team of the company has a strong marketplace orientation through an elevated level of marketplace acquaintance. Apart from that, it is believed that the brand name itself matters a lot to the customers of America and this is one of the major success stories of Apple (Chen, 2012). 2. Success of iPhone in Europe as compared to success in America from the existing competitors like Nokia, HTC and BlackBerry From the market position of Apple in UK and US, it can be seen that Apple products are highly popular in the places like the United States because the carriers like ATT would have a contact with the customers in which they give the customers an iPhone at a huge discounted rate. This is applicable in America and thus the American customers are highly attracted towards this leading global brand. However, some market researchers have stated that it is never a high-quality thought to purchase a US iPhone as an alternative of a UK model because of several reasons like it is not that much cheaper there (Duhigg Bradsher, 2012). Market researchers have stated that the iPhone 6 Plus would be obtainable in the UK for the recommended retail price of 619 for the 16GB model and 789 for the new 128 GB model. On the other hand, in the US Apple, it is offering an off-contract iPhone 6Plus for $749. This is equivalent to the pre-VAT price of 459 or 550 in total. However, this was not at all far from the 619 starting price in the UK. If focus is shed on European market, it can be seen that there are some stiff competitors of Apple iPhone here like Vodafone, HTC and BlackBerry (Haslam et al., 2013). Whereas, in America, demand of iPhone is always high among the customers and the existence of the competitors are less there as well. In order to get huge customer attention, the company in the European market planned to launch its iPhone in European markets like Italy through Telecom Italia and Vodafone. However, this scheme was not as successful as in America and thus it can be stated that Apple was more successful in Ame rica rather than Europe to some extent (Fifield, 2012). Another major important thing that is required to mention here is that there were some differences in the iPhone models of UK and US. Market research says that the iPhone 6 being sold unlocked in the US is slightly dissimilar model and the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus being advertised in the UK market are different slightly. Now the question comes that what is the difference and the answer is networks and this is because of the fact that different iPhone models support different networks. This dissimilarity has definitely raised some questions against the users of Apple iPhone in US and UK. Besides all these points, it is important to mention that the customers are highly satisfied with iPhones and this is their success factor. A mounting apprehension for Apple was the continuation of the grey market in the mobile phone market. In February, 2008, it was estimated that Apple sold around 3.7 million units of the iPhones and this was because of the collaboration with ATT. The market res earchers have stated that the share of market grew largely during the second half in different parts of Europe along with China, Australia and Japan. Unfortunately, this was drastically down in the US market (Hjorth et al., 2012). Along with these issues, it can be stated that environmental challenge was another stiff challenge in front of Apple at the time of expanding the business in UK market. Jobs company faced several challenges in the form of allegations and acquisitions from the environment protection group. This leading company was accused for using hazardous materials in their iPhone. Reports state that in October, 2007, the company received a warning letter from CEH, i.e. Centre for Environmental Health that they have to stop using polyvinyl chloride (PVCs) and Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) in its iPhone. If focus is shed on smart phones, then it can be seen that iPhones falls in different genre, though they produce the same smart phones in the market. However, it is required to mention that despite initial hiccups as well as issues faced by Apple in Europe, the iPhone succeeded in some markets like England. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Apple was successful in both Europe and America, though there were some strong competitors like Nokia, BlackBerry and ITC in the global market (Hollensen, 2015). 3. Formulating strategy for Apple and a marketing plan in Europe In a research, it is found that Apples strategy is Europe is faltering. Growing evidences prove that the organization will have to renovate its approach to the European market if it wants to gain a strong position in the European markets. Some unique strategies that Apple can adopt are hereby mentioned below, Apple must discard their elite agreements with mobile network operators and minimize their cut of ongoing revenue (Challagalla et al., 2014). It is expected that the net result will be more valuable for the organization as it will gain revenue that the organization is losing because people unlock iPhones to use on a network of their choice. The organization can offer prepaid iPhones. European people already understand that they need to pay for a phone if they want to use it on a prepaid tariff. There is a propagation of higher-class prepaid phones in Europe and people are becoming cautious of signing or two-year contracts. That is why; it would be a great opportunity (Lindgreen et al., 2012). The chances are also high that the organization will experience less number of unlocked iPhones. The company can also abandon the iPod touch in order to create a single connected flagship iPod. This approach will help the organization to discontinue their current generation of iPhone and iPod touch and altering it with some products. Those all products will include mobile phone capability. Customers will be able to select whether they will sign up for cellular services or will use the device with Wi-Fi only (Picard, 2014). Customers who will sign up for cellular services will gain a rebate or they could be tempted to upgrade to cellular service by a special tariff. The strategy of Apple will not affect the headline price of iPhone and will protect Apples iPod business. Tis method is already adopted in PC markets. If Apple wants to improve their marketing plans in Europe, then they will have to overcome some critical hurdles. At first, the company will have to loosen some of its exclusive distribution deals with O2, T-Mobile and Orange. Apple must build its own Google. Apple is known for unable to build services that reply on analyzing huge amount of data stored online. The organization is continuously hiring and acquiring talent to hide their issue. However, the organization is not considering it as an existential danger. Higher authority of the organization will have to open their wallet in order to fix this issue. Apple can also scale up their production capabilities. Every time a new gadget is released from Apple, most of the customers cannot get it in the first place. This happens because of the organizations just-in-time manufacturing system. The organization never manufactures products devices that it will sell. As a result, it ramps up production in lock step with demand. However, it is true that this process of Apple saves a lot of inventory cost that helps them to boost their profit. On the other hand, it is also true that it limits the number of customer the organization can gain. 4. Focusing on Apples pricing policy to analyze whether it helps in achieving significant market share or not From the case study, it has been found that Apple in the November, 2007 launched its iPhone in three big European markets like Germany, France and UK. Initially the company received a good response from the European customers but just after some times the sales slumped due to several reasons. High price of the iPhones was the major reason in this case along with lack of 3G capability and carrier exclusively. In an attempt to successfully control its declining sales, the company reduced the price of the iPhone by almost 100 in April 2008. The iPhone was launched with such frenzy that even its premium price did not prove a deterrent to many of their customers. It can be seen that the Apple priced its 4GB version of the iPhone at US$499 at the time of launching the phone in the year 2007. Apart from that, the consumers were supposed to enter into the two year contract with ATT. This raised some serious questions to the users of iPhones. Therefore, it can be stated that it was never a wi se option for Apple to make this two years contract with ATT (Hongyuan Meiyan, 2013). In order to handle this situation, Steve Jobs declared a steep price cut fir this newly launched product just after one week. The price was reduced almost one third of the initial price and thus the people were shocked to hear this news. It can be stated that a common question came to the minds of the consumers that whether the quality of the products are genuine or not. Not surprisingly, the news of price cut infuriated those customers particularly who had bought the iPhone at the initial price, which was high indeed. At that point, many customers started protesting against the price cut and these customers are those who waited for a long time in the queue to buy the product. From the case study, it can be found that discontented as well as annoyed customers took some serious legal steps against Apple and ATT. Therefore, it can be stated that the customers were highly disappointed with the pricing decision of this leading smart phone company. However, it can be said that Apple decla red that they do not have any hidden reasons behind this change in price of their newly launched iPhones. Another market research stated that the company declared that Apple had to reduce the price for the iPhone, as it was not enough for the company to earn profit by selling only iPod Touch (Kotler et al., 2015). Analyzing whether dropping the price was a good strategy or not There is a clear dilemma that whether the drop in price was successful for the organization or not. Among the American consumers, the bandwagon effect can be highly observed, where people do something primarily because other people are doing that in the society. From the news as well as the case study, it has been seen that there was a hype regarding the launch of Apple phones in the market. Expectations from the products as well were high among them and thus the reduced price of the iPhones raised question marks against the quality of the products. Therefore, it can be stated that the marketing and management team of Apple could have done more thorough market research for determining the price of iPhones. Effect of price drop could also be analyzed earlier, so that the team can be prepared to handle such type of situation (Snickars, 2012). The marketing team must be well aware of bandwagon effect, which is common in consumer behavior and this could have been helped Apple to manage the drop in price. On the other hand to bandwagon effect, snob effect is another major part that is required to keep in mind at the time of making any decision of dropping the price of newly launched products. Verstraete (2014) has stated that snob effect is such a phenomena that refers to such situation where the demand of some certain goods of the higher income group is inversely proportionate to the demand of the goods by the peoples of lower income level. From the price of the iPhones, it is clearly understood that it was not for all the consumers in the market and the cut down of price ignited the snob effects among the iPhone users. Therefore, the reduction of price was not at all accepted among the customers at the initial level and this affected the market reputation of the organization (Westwood, 2013). References Banerjee, S., Soberman, D. A. (2013). Product development capability and marketing strategy for new durable products.International Journal of Research in Marketing,30(3), 276-291. Brown, H. T. (2012). So What If I Don't Have An iPhone? The Unintended Consequences Of Using Arrogance In Advertising.Journal of Applied Business Research,28(4), 555. Capatina, G., Draghescu, F. (2015). Success Factors of New Product Launch: The Case of iPhone Launch.International Journal of Economics and Finance,7(5), 61. Chaffey, D., Smith, P. R., Smith, P. R. (2012).eMarketing eXcellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketing. Routledge. Challagalla, G., Murtha, B. R., Jaworski, B. (2014). Marketing doctrine: A principles-based approach to guiding marketing decision making in firms.Journal of Marketing,78(4), 4-20. Chen, B. X. (2012).Always on: how the iPhone unlocked the anything-anytime-anywhere future--and locked us in. Da Capo Press. Duhigg, C., Bradsher, K. (2012). How the US lost out on iPhone work.The New York Times,21, 2012. Fifield, P. (2012).Marketing strategy. Routledge. Furi, D., GonzLez-Gancedo, S., Juan, M. C., Segu, I., Rando, N. (2013). Evaluation of learning outcomes using an educational iPhone game vs. traditional game.Computers Education,64, 1-23. Haslam, C., Tsitsianis, N., Andersson, T., Yin, Y. P. (2013, December). Apple's financial success: The precariousness of power exercised in global value chains. InAccounting Forum(Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 268-279). Elsevier. Hjorth, L., Burgess, J., Richardson, I. (Eds.). (2012).Studying mobile media: Cultural technologies, mobile communication, and the iPhone. Routledge. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Hongyuan, Q., Meiyan, W. (2013). Discussion on the Creative Design of IPhone Shell.Packaging Journal,2, 016. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L., Armstrong, G. (2015).Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. 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Importance of Proper Business Strategies-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Disucss about the importance of proper business strategies to achieve profit in the long run. Answer: Introduction Coming from a decent background of marketing and advertising, it is not an easy task to think and estimate each idea down to the earth. The task of running a business in the modern world has been further increased by the limitation of resources and time. However I decided to venture into a new world of possibilities and started my own business. The company which I started in Australia is an Advertisement company which provides online advertisements solution to the private as well as public sector companies. Products The products of my company mainly constitute online advertisements in different web pages, web portals and search engine pages. We also offer a variety of innovative ad ideas to ther ad agencies. Apart from online contents we also design offline contents to be displayed in television and newspapers. Revenue The company was started on a decent capital of just a few dollars and at the beginning we had to take the help of demo software and free contents to our customers. But as time passed by we were flooded with offers from different companies that led to a steady increase in our annual revenue. Our company is now listed in the Australian stock exchange to be a 150 million dollar company. Summary As mentioned in the case study the new decade has provided the advertising companies with new challenges. The industry was seen to be undergoing a rapid transformation with the emergence of new companies like Google and Yahoo that brought in the concept of Digital Revolution. Earlier the different advertising agencies had the business objective to target a specific audience on behalf of the clients with special information that encourages these companies to try a product or service or ultimately purchase it. The following is performed largely by the concept of brand name being advertised by the use of the different sources of media (Esteves and Resende 2016). There are different brands that have a different choice of target. Coca-Cola, Nike are some brands that target only the consumers whereas IBM, Boeing are brands that offer Business to business value. Apart from the above two brands like Apple and Samsung target both the consumers and business. Advertisements in modern terms can be said to be the backbone in building a successful brand. The importance of advertisement has gone up to such levels that apart from the private sector companies the Government also uses them to advertise about different public sector services, healthcare facilities, new schemes and policies or any other important information related to the interest of public (Sayedi Jerath and Srinivasan 2014). The governments of different countries generally spend a large amount of money behind advertising. Apart from the public and private sector advertisements, there are also the NGOs which takes the help of advertisements to attract donations and revenue from the sources of interest. The companies generally advertise their products and services through a number of different media channels like television, radio and press. However there has been a change in the form of media selection as online advertising and mobile advertising has turned out to be the latest trend in the world of advertisement. The companies provides the necessary sources and information that they wish to be advertised to the advertising agencies and depends on the immense experience of these agencies to formulate a proper advertisement that is easily acceptable to the target population. As mentioned earlier that the money spends on advertising has been increased by quite a fold over the past two decades and it has been estimated at more than dollar 480 billion all over the globe. However recent estimates have tracked the growth of the worldwide spending on advertisement to more than dollar 500 billion. According to, Dindaro?lu (2017) the advertising agencies have been showing a steep rise in the different stock exchanges because of the increasing business that they are attracting. My own estimate shows that compared to the year 2011-12 my own business grew by at least 15% and it has been showing signs of constant improvement. The future trend shows a strong emergence of the consumer brand specially in the areas where the global consumers are in a minority. The growth of the advertising industry has created a new source of competition as large to small scale advertising agencies are directly or indirectly involved in competition that results in acquisition, selling off and many other similar techniques. The large scale multi agency advertising firms compete on the basis of different creative terms like the ability to buy media more cost effectively, knowledge of the market in which they are operating, creative skills of the employees that they employ, global reach and the type of services that they provide to the client companies. My company is a medium sized one and we basically compete in the market by the proper delivery of different value added services through an in depth knowledge of the specific market sectors or by providing a number of specialized marketing services like digital marketing, digital campaigns and many more as such. The smaller agencies are however mostly acquired by the large agencies which decreases the competit ion instantly in the particular sector. Online advertisements on the other hand have been the pillar of strength in the modern advertisement world as it has completely changed the way by which companies approach their target population. A new form of agency namely the AKQA established themselves in the online world much before the emergence of the traditional agencies (Dinner Van Heerde and Neslin 2014). My company follows the similar line as the above mentioned online agencies and has been able to gain quite a good reputation among our clients. Our strategy is simple which is to advertise the content provided by the clients in the online web pages as well as the search engines. The ads are targeted mainly to the potential customers so that they can view the advertisements easily when they browse different web channels or online contents. Conclusion The business strategies of the organization must be transparent and clear enough so that the company can walk in lines of success. The following report will be able to make the readers understand the importance of proper business strategies to achieve profit in the long run. A thorough analysis of the report can also help them to get an idea of the modern world of advertisement and the components and concepts that are related to it. References Dindaro?lu, B., 2017. Competitive advertising on broadcasting channels and consumer welfare.Information Economics and Policy. Dinner, I.M., Van Heerde, H.J. and Neslin, S.A., 2014. Driving online and offline sales: The cross-channel effects of traditional, online display, and paid search advertising.Journal of Marketing Research,51(5), pp.527-545. Esteves, R.B. and Resende, J., 2016. Competitive targeted advertising with price discrimination.Marketing Science,35(4), pp.576-587. Esteves, R.B. and Resende, J., 2016. Competitive targeted advertising with price discrimination.Marketing Science,35(4), pp.576-587. Hatzithomas, L. and Zotou, A.Y., 2016. Measuring the impact of competitive advertising environment and ad-exposure time on 3D posters' effectiveness.Journal of Customer Behaviour,15(2), pp.153-172. Sayedi, A., Jerath, K. and Srinivasan, K., 2014. Competitive poaching in sponsored search advertising and its strategic impact on traditional advertising.Marketing Science,33(4), pp.586-608.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Requiem by Avenged Sevenfold free essay sample
The powerful voices of Latin chanters bending the air at their command create an intro that sends shivers down the spines of the audience. The song Requiem is the fifth track on Avenged Sevenfoldââ¬â¢s sixth album. It delivers a blast to the past for those of us familiar with classic metal and hard rock, yet it is very enjoyable for those who are new to the sound. Requiem is easily the most recognizable song on the album. The mixture of the chanting, powerful drums, and intricate guitar riffs create a sound that brings to mind bands such as Metallica, Black Sabbath, and even Pantera. The song gives a dark, yet powerful mood to the audience which is a style most commonly used by those listed. When listening to the song, I find myself noticing how epic it really is. Imagine a king walking down a marble staircase into the night. We will write a custom essay sample on Requiem by Avenged Sevenfold or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The gothic architecture of each buildingââ¬â¢s spire pierces the large orange moon. The king walks powerfully with purpose to the gates of his kingdom where he knows a battle will soon rage on and where he will soon meet his end. Requiem is the song that would fit like a glove into the background. Although there are other amazing songs on the album, this song by far is the most powerful and well procured creation on Hail to the King. Listening to it will definitely open up anybodyââ¬â¢s eyes to the new musical style that Avenged Sevenfold has adopted. It would appeal to anybody that likes heavy metal or even somebody who just likes music in general. Requiem a big reason to invest in this new album that displays how talented Avenged Sevenfold really is.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Utilitarianism Essays
Utilitarianism Essays Utilitarianism Paper Utilitarianism Paper Essay Topic: Utilitarianism It was John Stuart Mills aim to revise and adapt Benthams ideas. Mill felt that this revision was necessary because many other writers had criticized Benthams work. Indeed Mill agreed with the criticisms that had been made and perhaps part of Mills response can be seen as an intellectual rebellion against his one time teacher. Mill attempted to adapt Benthams thoughts by introducing a number of different ideas and distinctions. One of the criticisms of Benthams philosophy was that it was a swine philosophy. The accusation was that, with its emphasis on pleasure, Utilitarianism made human beings no better than pigs. The first criticism that was made was that what is pleasure. Utilitarianism is based on the idea of Hedonism. Indeed this is what led many philosophers to suggest that Utilitarianism was a swine philosophy as it was simply based on pleasure. Mill did not attempt to respond to this accusation by suggesting a distinction between higher and lower pleasures. Another criticism that was made is human nature egoistic. Humans do not always seem to act in their own interest. For example, there are many examples of human beings risking their own life to save the life of another. This clearly is a problem for Benthams version of Utilitarianism although it is one of the things that Mill recognized. Is the principle of utility what we mean by morality is another criticism that was made by Mill. For a Utilitarian, an action is good if, and only if; it brings about the greatest good for the greatest number. In other words it does not matter about an individuals motives or how the greatest good for the greatest number is actually achieved. This goes against the idea that it is intentions, like love and care, which are important roles in morality. Finally the last criticism that was made is happiness the only thing that is important. For a Utilitarian the only thing that is important to them is the idea of happiness. Therefore anything that brings about happiness as the end is right. I think that are to many criticisms to what Bentham has said and that utilitarianism goes against most of the laws that we have in our country that we have today. For example, if someone was to murder someone because they didnt make them happy, then a Utilitarian might say that it made them happy consequentially. And also might make more people happy because it could be a serial killer that was just murdered.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Case study # An Invisible Superintendent Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
# An Invisible Superintendent - Case Study Example However, considering the busy schedule of the superintendent, Dr. Myer could have sought alternative options of communications. For instance provide written a submission of her proposal. The conduct of the superintendent may not be voluntary. Since acquiring his job, he has been provided with numerous tasks that may require more time that he has to attend to all his duties. For instance, he was appointed to the board of a local bank and local United Way (Lecture Notes, 2014, pp.6, Par 2). In this case, the professional conflict between the school and other working positions is created. As a board member, he is required to perform administrative duties in all these institutions. These acquaintances can be attributed to the behavior on being absent in his administrative post at the school. However, at one time the superintendent was attending to a family emergency, and Dr. Myers needed his presence at the school. His absence at work place is also caused by the conflict in his personal relationship and professional life. Dr. Myers was justified and appropriate. As a board member, she had the opportunity to inspire people of Placid Falls. She developed a project that would increase the significance of the school in the district. She was hopeful and accurate that the project would be successful. However, to her disappointment she could get the superintendent to approve of her proposal. Furthermore, she was dissatisfied that she was not provided with the opportunity to present the proposal to the board. For this reason, she was angered by the school administration to ignore the seriousness of the issue. However, she was in a position to push her proposal to the board through other channels. Additionally, she could seek legal guidance from her husband on the best way to handle the situation. The role of a head school administrator requires a person that may spend a lot of time at their work station. For this reason,
Thursday, February 13, 2020
English Business law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
English Business law - Case Study Example een caused by communication breakdown whereby we could not directly get in touch with our members since we are still using the traditional form of communication which is the use of mail. It is our intention that we would harness the new information technology in the form of internet use so as to avoid inconveniences in the future with regards to books that end up failing to be collected by the supposed owners due to technical problems. We would also like to bring to your attention that our members are ladies in their fifties and we would like to put them in a category of old people who are no longer able bodied hence the inconvenience to respond accordingly. In some cases they would fail to get to us on time which would make us unaware of what may be taking place since it is a requirement that they should communicate with us directly should they require any changes to be made to their orders. It should also be brought to your attention that this has not been the usual way we conduct business hence accept our statement of apology. Indeed, we are currently in a financial crisis which has taken a toll on almost all facets of the economy across the board. Our organisation as well as our members have also not been spared by the tough financial crisis, the reason why some of the books may lie unclaimed at your premises. We would try to follow up on the issue since we assumed that if we do not get response from our membe rs they would have accepted their orders. We would also like to inform you that we will take appropriate action that is not in contravention with the law. It is our own knowledge that no one can operate above the law of the land and we would wish to inform you that we would take necessary measures that would ensure that we are not found at the wrong side of the law. Initially, we require our members to pay a membership fee which makes them legitimate and we would try to put measures that ensure effective communication among our members so as to avoid
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Comparison of Theoretical Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Comparison of Theoretical Approaches - Essay Example e the essential differences between the four approaches to global governance as depicted in both Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of Kelly-Kate Peaseââ¬â¢s book International Organizations. With all honesty, Realism focuses on the security of countries and power above everything else. Realism, with an objective of enhancing conflict resolutions, establishes an international system that would guarantee maximum security for every country that cooperates with another one. At the same time, any country that declares war should do so based on self-interest, as opposed to idealism. To promote a given society, individuals should learn the policies that govern the behavior of such a society. In this case, Realism should also enhance policies that would mold rational theory that promote objective laws in a given country. Realism exists to monitor the behavior of given countries, interpret the power of countries, and coordinate the principles of the international system. Moreover, Liberalism acts as a mainstream approach that promotes the behavior of country by focusing on its preferences, as opposed to its capabilities. In this case, Liberalism paves a way for the plurality of a countryââ¬â¢s actions in the international system. However, such preferences may vary from country to country due to some difference in economic conditions, environmental factors, and nature of governments. Pease (2006, p59) states that Liberalism abolishes anarchic international system by promoting a variety of opportunities for cooperating and other levels of power. Surely, the theory enhances peace between international organizations through organizational interdependence and cooperation. Besides, Marxism rarely focuses on material and economic aspects of the international system. Instead, the theory describes the international system as coordinated capitalist system with an objective of accumulating capital. Believers of the theory suggest that globalized capitalism enriches organizations in developed
Friday, January 24, 2020
Serendipity and Great Expectations :: Movies Films Love Fate Essays
Serendipity and Great Expectations Directed by Alfonso Cuarà ³n and written by Mitch Glazer, Great Expectations is a movie about the love of a man for an unreachable woman, and how fate ultimately brings them together. Serendipity directed by Peter Chelsom, is a more predictable romantic comedy that relies on destiny to bring a couple together, after the many coincidences that linked them to one another. Serendipity and Great Expectations both revolve around lifeââ¬â¢s great coincidences due to fate, and how their characters indulge in the direction fate leads them. Loosely based on the Charles Dickensââ¬â¢ classic novel, Great Expectations is a tale of a young man's unforgettable passage into manhood, and the three individuals who undeniably changed his life forever. Through the surprising interactions of these vivid characters, Great Expectations takes a unique and contemporary look at life's great coincidences. In a small Florida town on the Gulf Coast, eight-year-old Finn Bell lives with his sister Maggie and his "Uncle" Joe. They barely scrape by, but aspiring artist Finn enjoys his simple life, drawing pictures in the colorful Gulf waters. Finn's journey to adulthood begins suddenly with the shocking appearance of a dangerous convict who forces the boy to aid in his escape from prison. With this experience still freshly etched in his mind, Finn is summoned to the decaying mansion of Ms. Nora Dinsmoor, the richest woman in the gulf, who had lost her mind thirty years earlier when her fiancà © left her standing at the altar. There, Finn meets Dinsmoor's niece Estella, who, even at age 11, displays an upper class iciness toward the young, impoverished boy who instantly and hopelessly falls in love with her. Finn's meetings with Estella and her crazed, wealthy aunt fuel new dreams: to paint for the rich, to enjoy their freedom, and to love Estella. Once Ms. Dinsmoor realizes Finn is there for his love for Estella, she warns him that Estella will break his heart. The crazed woman's warnings become Finn's harshest reality when Estella abrupt ly leaves without saying goodbye. A hopeless Finn stops painting, stops dreaming ... until a mysterious benefactor sends the now grown young man to New York. Pursuing his dreams in the glamorous world of the New York art scene, the once-poor artist seems to finally have it all; wealth, status, fame and a reunion with the newly engaged Estella. Serendipity and Great Expectations :: Movies Films Love Fate Essays Serendipity and Great Expectations Directed by Alfonso Cuarà ³n and written by Mitch Glazer, Great Expectations is a movie about the love of a man for an unreachable woman, and how fate ultimately brings them together. Serendipity directed by Peter Chelsom, is a more predictable romantic comedy that relies on destiny to bring a couple together, after the many coincidences that linked them to one another. Serendipity and Great Expectations both revolve around lifeââ¬â¢s great coincidences due to fate, and how their characters indulge in the direction fate leads them. Loosely based on the Charles Dickensââ¬â¢ classic novel, Great Expectations is a tale of a young man's unforgettable passage into manhood, and the three individuals who undeniably changed his life forever. Through the surprising interactions of these vivid characters, Great Expectations takes a unique and contemporary look at life's great coincidences. In a small Florida town on the Gulf Coast, eight-year-old Finn Bell lives with his sister Maggie and his "Uncle" Joe. They barely scrape by, but aspiring artist Finn enjoys his simple life, drawing pictures in the colorful Gulf waters. Finn's journey to adulthood begins suddenly with the shocking appearance of a dangerous convict who forces the boy to aid in his escape from prison. With this experience still freshly etched in his mind, Finn is summoned to the decaying mansion of Ms. Nora Dinsmoor, the richest woman in the gulf, who had lost her mind thirty years earlier when her fiancà © left her standing at the altar. There, Finn meets Dinsmoor's niece Estella, who, even at age 11, displays an upper class iciness toward the young, impoverished boy who instantly and hopelessly falls in love with her. Finn's meetings with Estella and her crazed, wealthy aunt fuel new dreams: to paint for the rich, to enjoy their freedom, and to love Estella. Once Ms. Dinsmoor realizes Finn is there for his love for Estella, she warns him that Estella will break his heart. The crazed woman's warnings become Finn's harshest reality when Estella abrupt ly leaves without saying goodbye. A hopeless Finn stops painting, stops dreaming ... until a mysterious benefactor sends the now grown young man to New York. Pursuing his dreams in the glamorous world of the New York art scene, the once-poor artist seems to finally have it all; wealth, status, fame and a reunion with the newly engaged Estella.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Florence Nightingaleââ¬â¢s Nursing Philosophy
The nursing profession today is being recognized all over the world due to the recent increase in demand for nursing professionals and caregivers. Today, more and more students are encouraged to take and pursue a nursing degree in college due to the opportunities awaiting them in the medical fieldââ¬âan opportunity which was sparked and started long ago by a caregiver and health care provider by the name of Florence Nightingale. Since Nightingaleââ¬â¢s establishment of a concrete nursing philosophy, the nursing practice was never the same. Nightingaleââ¬â¢s view on health care was simplistic yet holistic. She believed that nurses are born with a given responsibility on their shoulders to provide humane and sensitive aid selflessly to the sick, to do anything within their power to alleviate the pains and illness of the patients, and to support the professional doctors to the best of their abilities (Kleiman). During Nightingaleââ¬â¢s time, the women were experiencing extreme discrimination under the government of Great Britain. The government suppressed the women and prohibited them to contribute in any way to the affairs of the state. Thus, this pushed Nightingale to fight for her point of view as a health care provider and prove the women nurseââ¬â¢s worth (Bruner). She was very strong and firm on her principle which involves providing health care selflessly regardless of gender, with sensitive consideration to the ill and the needy. This humanistic philosophy is what guided Florence Nightingale to push through the now established philosophy of nursing and care giving which has been eternally symbolized by her, holding a lighted lamp which kindles the hopes of the ill. Thus, Nightingaleââ¬â¢s philosophy is truly an inspiration. It stands as a reminder for me to stay humble and focused on my future responsibilities as a nurse. It also reminds me of the importance of providing health care without biases and reservationââ¬âanyone who seeks medical help is a patient that doctors and nurses should attend to.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Susan Glaspell s Trifles - 958 Words
Susan Glaspellââ¬â¢s story ââ¬Å"Triflesâ⬠is based on a true story many decades ago when women were treated as second class citizens. This story focuses on two women in the shadows of men who see their sex as superior and in doing so, miss the most important parts of their investigation. Glaspell uses space to show the bond that is slowly created between these two women that allow them to justify not reporting the evidence to the sexist males who essentially drop the ball because of their lack of empathy. From the beginning to the end of the story, Glaspell showed the differences between men and women at that time. How they were viewed, their roles in society, and their roles in this story only strengthen those stereotypes. The timid female characters, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale ââ¬Å"The women have come in slowly and stand close together near the doorâ⬠(Gaspell 1281), clearly showing a reluctance to enter a widowââ¬â¢s empty home. The men, however, ââ¬Å"go at once to the stoveâ⬠(Glaspell 1281), and start discussing what happened the previous day. The different movements of the characters show the difference in attitudes between the men, who just walk right into an empty house they now know belongs to a woman. The women on the other hand, hesitate to infringe upon another womenââ¬â¢s privacy. The men believe they have a right to enter her home since no man lives there anymore, showing their lack of respect for the widow. Glaspell continues to use a space between the characters throughout the story toShow MoreRelatedTrifles : Susan Glaspell s Trifles940 Words à |à 4 PagesWhat is a trifle? A trifle is something that has little to no importance ( For instance, the color of your nails would be considered a trifle. In Trifles by Susan Glaspell, women are criticized and made fun of by men because of the little things they worry about, such as the color of their nails or their hair. This exhibits the gender role difference portrayed during the playââ¬â¢s time period. The central conflict is what the plot is centered around. In Trifles, the central conflictRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1732 Words à |à 7 PagesSusan Glaspell (1876-1948) was an American-born Pulitzer Prize winning writer of both plays and fiction. Glaspell came from humble beginnings and went on to study at Drake University and the University of Chicago. Much of Glaspell s work dealt with the relationships betw een men and women and the negative effects they have on women. In Glaspell s play Trifles, it is revealed that the operations of patriarchy are just an illusion that men have created to make themselves feel superior to womenRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1577 Words à |à 7 Pagesfeminism are published. One of those is ââ¬ËTriflesââ¬â¢ by Susan Glaspell as the American feminist movement addressed feminism at that time (Manuel, 57). There are several factors in Trifles representing the disadvantages of absence of feminism and the importance of feminism such as setting and situation. First, the setting, a first factor, implies the importance of feminism. In Trifles, the main setting is an isolated rural farmhouse. From the line 9 in Trifles, Mr.Hale mentioned the husband as a passiveRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 3309 Words à |à 14 Pagesitââ¬â¢s all just a different kind of the same thingâ⬠(561) is a line spoken in Susan Glaspellââ¬â¢s play, Trifles. Writers look at the world around them and envision the way it should be. They take bits and pieces of their lifeââ¬â¢s landscape, add a liberal dose of surreal ideology and finally toss in human oppressions. To that end, the writer hopes to create a memorable character that can touch the human soul for eternity. Susan Glaspell, a writer in the early twentieth century, lived during a time when womenRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles Essay1460 Words à |à 6 PagesAn Analysis of Susan Glaspell Trifles The play, Trifles by Susan Glaspell shows her preoccupation with gender and sex roles as notions of culture. The author is spells out the treatment of women as mere trifles in the society, as less important when compared to men. This calls for the questioning of the role of both men and women in the society with regard to the value and devalue given to perspective and knowledge. The reader should thus realize that women have an important role to play in theRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles Essay2025 Words à |à 9 Pagescoming?â⬠(Welty qtd. In Literature ). Trifles is a short play, by Susan Glaspell that was written in the 20th century when women were possession of the husband. The division between men and women in the play not just mentally or emotionally but it was also physically , and that symbolizes the different between genders at this time. Susan Glaspell shows that through her characters in this play. Glaspell uses the characters (Mr. Wright and Mrs. Wright) to prove how men wereRead MoreSusan Glaspell s `` Trifles ``924 Words à |à 4 Pagesher hope for children, leaving her baron in her womb and her heart. He was a control maniac and demanded power in every aspect of this poor womanââ¬â¢s life; No Children, No Song, No Friends; she had nothing, which meant nothing to lose. In Susan Glaspellââ¬â¢s drama, ââ¬Å"Triflesâ⬠, we explore the gender inequality between men and women of that time and why that has such a large influence on the murder investigation. The women in this novel and of this time period seemed to have hope pre-marriage, Mrs. WrightRead MoreAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 983 Words à |à 4 Pagespreconception someone makes based on gender, race, or religion that in this case is by gender, and affects women based on their expected gender roles. Women endlessly have expectations that go along with being a wife, mother, or simply a female. In Trifles by Susan Glaspell, 1955 by Alice Walker, and Girl by Jamaica Kincaid women are stereotyped by men and told to follow unwritten but expected roles such as being seen and not heard. As well as how they present themselves, their behavior, and tasks they needRead MoreSusan Glaspell s The Play Trifles1410 Words à |à 6 Pages The play Trifles by Susan Glaspell is a very powerful play that conveys a strong meaning to the audience. The meaning that Susan Glaspell conveys through this play is the importance of women to stick together and rise up against the suppression of their gender. This message can be felt strongly while reading this play. Susan Glaspell does an outstanding job incorporating this message into an interesting, captivating plot. This play was written around the time where womanââ¬â¢s social equality wasRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Play Trifles870 Words à |à 4 PagesIn the Susan Glaspell s play Trifles, gender plays a huge roll in everyday life. Trifles is an exemplary example of the war between male and female. It creates a scene where women are less deserving than the men. Women are used as stepping stones or told to remain dedicated to the male power. Females are the lesser creatures compared to the men who have the power. The play paints a scene where women are in compliance to this unwritten code of conduct expected for them. Towards the end of the play
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